“How do I put a screenshot in Messages to my PS4 friends?”
This guide will show you how to send screenshots in a message to your PS4 friends.
1. Before sending a screenshot to a friend we’ll need to capture and save a screenshot. From the controller press the SHARE button, and choose ‘Upload Screenshot’. Alternatively press and hold the Share button for about a second to save a screenshot without the menu option. You’ll know a screenshot was saved when you see capture icon in the upper left corner.
2. Now that we go our screenshot saved we can send it to a friend. PS4 screenshots are saved inside the ‘Capture Gallery’. Pick the game folder your screenshot is located or just go to the ‘All’ folder to see everything.
3. Choose screenshots from the side menu. Press the ‘Options’ to sort them by Last Played, size and name.
4. Pick your screenshot and press the ‘Share’ button from the controller. We want to send the screenshot using Messages so pick the message icon and hit X.
5. Select Create Message, and on the next screen select the player you want to send the message to. You can select multiple friends to send to by checking off each one. Click the ‘Done’ icon.
6. Now enter a some text in the message box and hit ‘Send’. You’ve just sent your awesome screenshot to a friend on the PlayStation 4.
lolo says
pa vita game