“How do I install the addon Elysium on Kodi 17.3?”
Installing Elysium for Kodi Video Instructions:
1. From the Kodi home screen click on ‘Settings’.
2. Click on ‘File Manager’ near the bottom of the screen.
3. Select ‘Add Source’. Click ‘None’.
4. Enter http://noobsandnerds.com/portal into the dialog box and click OK when finished.
5. You can enter a name for this Kodi repo or keep the default ‘portal’. Click OK again to proceed.
6. Now go back to the main Kodi home screen and click on ‘Addons’ from the left menu.
7. Select the ‘install box icon’ located in the upper left-hand corner.
8. Click on ‘Install from zip-file’ and click on the file we saved earlier which would be called ‘portal’ if you kept the default name.
9. Select noobsandnerds Repo.zip and wait for the file to download.
10. Now choose ‘Install from repository’ and select ‘noobsandnerds Repository’. Select ‘Video add-ons’.
11. Scroll through the addons until you find Elysium. Click on it to download it for Kodi.