I totally know nothing about computers, so this is just a guess of what I think the problem may be. My kid was trying to watch a video and was prompted to download something before he could watch it, so he did and now my computer is acting nuts. There are these little icons that keep on the taskbar that keeps popping up and tells me to download a program to remove the spyware. Everything works good except for all these annoying error messages and pop ups asking me to buy a program. Any suggestions on how to remove this spyware or adware?
What ever you do never purchase anything from those popups they will only take your money. As you already know they tricked your kid into downloading a bad file onto your system and now it’s infected. You could try using Windows system restore to try and take your computer back to a previous save point before the spyware got onto your computer. It’s sorta like a time machine where it rolls back your computer to a previous date.
If that doesn’t work try downloading this Smithfraud removal tool. After using the Smithfraud tool do a online spyware scan with AVG Antispyware.