Want to keep other people from accessing your Kindle Fire? Set a password for it so only you can use the device. Every time the Kindle Fire goes into sleep mode or turned off you’ll need to enter a password.
How to set password on the Kindle Fire:
1. Go to your home screen, click on the ‘Quick Settings’ icon.
2. Click on the ‘More’ icon, now ‘Security’.
3. Go to the ‘Lock Screen Password’ and slide the switch to ‘On’. You will be asked to set your password.
If you want to turn the password off in the future, go back to the Lock Screen Password section.
Kay says
This would be really helpful, except I don’t see ‘quick settings,’ ‘more,’ or ‘lock screen’ anywhere. I have no idea where those are. A little more info would be helpful.
Beverly H Scott says
need to password protect kindle