“I logged into my Facebook account and everything was in Chinese or Japanese characters and I can’t do anything to get anywhere because I can’t read this stuff. How do I change my Facebook account back to all English?”
The answer is simple, learn Chinese.
Alright, here’s how to change your Facebook account back to English.
Log into your account. On the Facebook homepage look at the bottom left hand side beside “Facebook © 2009” there will be a link. Even though you can’t read that link it’s the language preference.
When you click on the link a huge language box appears with all the different languages to choose from, and since you want to change yours back to English simply click on “English (US)” and it should automatically change.
thank you so muchh says
Thank you so muchhh it means alot too meee!!!
asif raza says
Thanks a lot You saved me from canceling my facebook account.
william says
It still doesn’t work. When I try to click on the hebrew writing next to the Facebook 2010, It does nothing. It has no hyperlink. I dont know what to do. Please help me.
sandra says
need help to get facebook back up and back to english
Harold says
Still cannot get English on my Facebook page!!
DAK says
Why did the language change on Facebook. I was able to change it back with the above directions, however, why did this happen in the first place? Will it happen again?
Gloria H says
I can’t change my langual on facebook to english. Help
Leslie says
Thanks so much for the instructions, you saved me.
sue says
on facebook can’t read account settings, because it’s all in a different language. I don’t even know what this language is? How can I change it back to English? I can read posts but not the headings!
Angie H says
Can not get my facebook back in English.
Angie H says
Cannot get my facebook account back in English.
Jenny says
Thank you!
HEY MAN WOW THANKS MY LANGUAGE TURNED INTO SOME SHIT I DONT EVEN KNOW… THAT ADVICE, (Alright, here’s how to change your Facebook account back to English.
Log into your account. On the Facebook homepage look at the bottom left hand side beside “Facebook © 2009” there will be a link. Even though you can’t read that link it’s the language preference.) REALLY WORKED!
CC O says
My Facebook account was switched from English to French and I want ENGLISH. Who could have changed my preference? How do I change it back?
Diana F says
how do i change my face book account back to English can’t even understand language don’t even know what language it’s in
Jackie R says
how do i change my face book account back to English can’t even understand language don’t even know what language it’s in. Please help. July 5, 2016
wasana says
thank you so much
Rambriksh M says
Change of fb to English uk
Kellie says
Can’t get my facebook back to English! The 2009 facebook does not appear on the left hand side on bottom like I was told