Wanna change the power button to something else besides “Shut down”?
Most people never shutdown their computers so it would make more sense to have another option there instead like “Restart” or even “Log off”.
Here’s how to change the Windows “Shut down” power button to something else.
1. Press the Start (Windows icon) button.
2. Right-click the “Shut down” button and select “Properties”.
3. In the Properties window go to the Power button action and select from a number of different options from the drop-down menu. The list of options include Switch user, Log off, Lock, Restart, and Sleep. Click “OK” to finish the job.
4. Check out your new Power button. Pretty fancy stuff indeed.
Randy Lee says
Thanks for the input. Right on!
Allen White says
thanks, helpful. we did this for our none domain pc`s but we need a solution for networked pc`s. You can do it aswell with a gpo. take a look.
Michael B says
Too easy. Thanks.